Saturday, March 19, 2016

Day 8: Least Favorite Male Character

Only ASOIAF (not GoT)

ASOIAF is full of rascals and villains with grey to blackinsh portrayal. Yet, all of them  are strongly etched characters that GRRM somehow make you sympathise with them.
sometimes, i hate characters that are not only evil but also,  f**king annoying.


Daario Naharis - He is a douchebag ...period. May he rot in the  as a hostage with the Yunkai.  Perfect example of guys who has that wasted false confidence and swag who never faced formidable foes in their life.  I expect Victarion to make mice meat out of him.

Freys - Every one of them..Cockroaches..As Lord Maderly said on looking at the murdered body of 8 year old Big Walder, "Good he is dead. Had he grown up, he would have become a Frey".

Khal Drago - Raper of Dothraki Sea. Idiot who hates Iron Chair and outwitted by a  dimwitted 13 year old. Good that he dead soon.

Vargo Hoat - Since he met a violent end, i stop thinking about him.

Ser Gregor Clegane - Ditto but with 1000 folds more painful...Thank u Prince Oberyn.

Qyburn - U have a special place in hell ready Dr. Qyburn. Cant wait for the gruesome technique the twisted minds of GRRM has conceived for u. Whatever it is, i promise i wont flinch when i read through the episode. May be, i will read it thrice to get that satisfaction.  A big Fuck You.

Ramsay - The most hated psychopath in the fandom. Sansa will make sure that you will pay for the crimes. IF there is going to be a eyeball-to-eyeball stand-off with Theon, AWESOME..

Contrary to general GoT TV viewers and "some" book readers, I like Little finger...I want his story arc to be more wide and one damn POV.     Samwell used to be very annoying but slowly his character has changed to less whining and better developed.

Winner:   Joffrey.

Everybody knows what he did.  My respect to Robert  upped 100 fold for beating the shit out of him after the cat episode.

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