Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Day 5: Favorite Moment

As usual, only ASOIAF (not GoT) moments.

Strong Contenders (not ranked, as all of them are show stoppers in their own right)

The usual suspects:

*  Ned's head rolling in the steps of Baelor's Sept.

* Tyrion's "I am bastard in the eyes of my father" trial speech

* Jon Snow's Shield Hall speech

* Tower of Joy

* Red Wedding

My favorites

* The freaks of Yurkhaz Zo Yunzak

* Blackfish Escape from Riverlands

* Arianne reveals Myrcella's crowning plot and precipitation of war

* Reveal of  Young Griff as fAegon Targaryan

* Defiance of Duskendale as narrated to Brienne

* The mutilation of Vargo Hoat (Karma is a bitch, BITCHHH)

* Brienne's fight with Shagwell, Pyg and Timeon and their death

* Jaime and Brienne in bathhouse -    Almost made it to the Top But.......

Hands on Winner:  TWOW preview chapter

With Queen Daenery's missing from Meeren and presumably captured by Dothrakis, Meeeren is left to defend by Barristan, the brave against the combined  Astapor/Yunkish/Second Sons mercenaries assault - Victarion makes a dramatic entry with his iron fleet from the opposite corner of the world looking to take Daenery's as wife for himself and not claim for his brother/King Euron...

Yes, he has dragon binding valyrian magic horn and fuck yes, 2 dragons are loose flying in the city ready to rain fire on anybody and everybody...

what more can you want..

Second Siege of Meeren

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