Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Day 4: Favorite House Motto


In addition to the cool House motto, i also decided to match if the house conform to its  motto in action.

House Baratheon - Ours is the Fury
The Baratheon Brothers Robert, Stannis and Renly perfectly fit to the rage in their motto. The restrained adamant violence of Stannis is no less ferocious than the brutal war hammer wielding Robert's fury against Prince Rhaegar. As Maester says, Robert is the true steel while Stannis is like Iron- brittle but he  breaks before he bend! Damn thats a best compliment ever....

House Crakehall - None so fierce
We dont see any fierce Crakehalls in ASOIAF. The closest who fir the motto is Ser Lyle Crakehall who accompanies Ser Jaime to the siege of riverrun. On the way, in Castle Darry he promises to help poor Lancel's wife (if u can call that relationship!!) Amerei Frey in getting rid of outlaws from her land after ending the riverrun siege. Looks like he is  more interested in Gatehouse Amy and  what lurks for strongboar is left open..

House Hornwood - Righteous in Wrath
Man..I am waiting for their wrath..Ramsay is the Lord of Hornwood now..but, northerners dont forget how he drove Lady Donella to suicide.. The Hornwood line is officially extinct except for the bastard Larence Snow. We dont know much about him but i pray GRRM gives him enough chance to wreak his vengeance on Ramsay..

House Mormont - Here We Stand
One of the coolest line said in the TV series..Viserys with the dragon eggs blocked by Ser Jorah..What a stand-off!!

House Tarly - First in Battle
I love Randyll Tarly. I wish GRRM writes more about him in TWOW. He is a no-nonsense guy. Strong  contender for the next hand.. Wielder of the valyrian steel sword "Heartsbane". Yes, he is the  only guy to defeat Robert Baratheon in the battlefied..and pardoned  by him after the war..Also, poor Samwell's father..

House Targaryan: Fire and Blood
283 years of Violence,War and Vengeance..Dance of the dragons..3 Blackfyre rebellions..Just when we thought, they are done and finished, we have 3 Targaryans ready to be unleashed in TWOW..
Dany,  Aegon and Jon. I want more fire and more blood...

House Martell : Unbowed, Unbent and Unbroken

This house needs a separate Biiggggg post
A sample of why they are kickass..
Prince Doran Martell:
Until the mountain crushed my brother’s skull, no Dornishmen had died in this War of the Five Kings," the prince murmured softly, as Hotah pulled a blanket over him. “Tell me, Captain, is that my shame or my glory?

The Winner..Its a no brainer..

Honorable Mention:  Beneath the Gold,  the bitter steel  (The  Bastard Lord Aegor  Rivers of Golden Company)

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