Saturday, March 19, 2016

Day 10: Stark or Targaryan


The one and only Bastard of Winterfell
Azor Ahai ....Bitches...

Day 9: Least Favorite Female Character

Hands-on winner:    Mad Queen Daenerys Targaryan bedding the way to the top

Honorable Mentions:  Cersei Lannister

Day 8: Least Favorite Male Character

Only ASOIAF (not GoT)

ASOIAF is full of rascals and villains with grey to blackinsh portrayal. Yet, all of them  are strongly etched characters that GRRM somehow make you sympathise with them.
sometimes, i hate characters that are not only evil but also,  f**king annoying.


Daario Naharis - He is a douchebag ...period. May he rot in the  as a hostage with the Yunkai.  Perfect example of guys who has that wasted false confidence and swag who never faced formidable foes in their life.  I expect Victarion to make mice meat out of him.

Freys - Every one of them..Cockroaches..As Lord Maderly said on looking at the murdered body of 8 year old Big Walder, "Good he is dead. Had he grown up, he would have become a Frey".

Khal Drago - Raper of Dothraki Sea. Idiot who hates Iron Chair and outwitted by a  dimwitted 13 year old. Good that he dead soon.

Vargo Hoat - Since he met a violent end, i stop thinking about him.

Ser Gregor Clegane - Ditto but with 1000 folds more painful...Thank u Prince Oberyn.

Qyburn - U have a special place in hell ready Dr. Qyburn. Cant wait for the gruesome technique the twisted minds of GRRM has conceived for u. Whatever it is, i promise i wont flinch when i read through the episode. May be, i will read it thrice to get that satisfaction.  A big Fuck You.

Ramsay - The most hated psychopath in the fandom. Sansa will make sure that you will pay for the crimes. IF there is going to be a eyeball-to-eyeball stand-off with Theon, AWESOME..

Contrary to general GoT TV viewers and "some" book readers, I like Little finger...I want his story arc to be more wide and one damn POV.     Samwell used to be very annoying but slowly his character has changed to less whining and better developed.

Winner:   Joffrey.

Everybody knows what he did.  My respect to Robert  upped 100 fold for beating the shit out of him after the cat episode.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Day 7: Favorite Episode

Fan Favorite: S3E09  Rains of Castamere

My Favorite: S5E09 Hardhomme

I have seen lots and lots of reaction videos for GoT episodes - especially the Red Wedding and Oberyn's death.

Hardhomme episode is so special to me because i have no idea what is going to happen and  thankfully it gave a breathtaking twist.

There I was watching the Nightwatch fight their way against the Whiltewalkers/Wights..
Jon is thrashed by the baddie Whitewalker and certain to kill him ....
We see the whitewalker striking his blow with the ice lance/sword and Jon uses Dragonglass to meet the blow and STOPS it!!  IT did not shatter..I cried out aloud and Rama came running to see what happened.

NExt, he obliterrates the Whitwalker to smoke...I shouted MOTHERFUCKERRRRRR...

Thankfully, kids was asleepp..i was pumped up ,shivering and adrenalin rushing all over me..

Wish i had my camera setup just like other youtubers for this moment..

Day 6: Favorite Song

Fan Favorite: Rains of Castamere

My Favorite:  Bear and the maiden fair, especially the bawdy version.

Day 5: Favorite Moment

As usual, only ASOIAF (not GoT) moments.

Strong Contenders (not ranked, as all of them are show stoppers in their own right)

The usual suspects:

*  Ned's head rolling in the steps of Baelor's Sept.

* Tyrion's "I am bastard in the eyes of my father" trial speech

* Jon Snow's Shield Hall speech

* Tower of Joy

* Red Wedding

My favorites

* The freaks of Yurkhaz Zo Yunzak

* Blackfish Escape from Riverlands

* Arianne reveals Myrcella's crowning plot and precipitation of war

* Reveal of  Young Griff as fAegon Targaryan

* Defiance of Duskendale as narrated to Brienne

* The mutilation of Vargo Hoat (Karma is a bitch, BITCHHH)

* Brienne's fight with Shagwell, Pyg and Timeon and their death

* Jaime and Brienne in bathhouse -    Almost made it to the Top But.......

Hands on Winner:  TWOW preview chapter

With Queen Daenery's missing from Meeren and presumably captured by Dothrakis, Meeeren is left to defend by Barristan, the brave against the combined  Astapor/Yunkish/Second Sons mercenaries assault - Victarion makes a dramatic entry with his iron fleet from the opposite corner of the world looking to take Daenery's as wife for himself and not claim for his brother/King Euron...

Yes, he has dragon binding valyrian magic horn and fuck yes, 2 dragons are loose flying in the city ready to rain fire on anybody and everybody...

what more can you want..

Second Siege of Meeren

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Most Emotional Situations

ASOIAF takes you through a very emotional ride. It has so many characters with different shades of grey to black, but in some way they all have a emotional connection to you.
There are so many instances that made me very emotional. The sufferings going through these characters feels very personal to me. The following are some incidents (not ranked) where i stopped reading - as i was fully overwhelmed to put down the book.

Prince Doran Martell - Yet here I sit, and they are gone.

“I was the oldest,” the prince said, “and yet I am the last. After Mors and Olyvar died in their cradles, I gave up hope of brothers. I was nine when Elia came, a squire in service at Salt Shore. When the raven arrived with word that my mother had been brought to bed a month too soon, I was old enough to understand that meant the child would not live. Even when Lord Gargalen told me that I had a sister, I assured him that she must shortly die. Yet she lived, by the Mother’s mercy. And a year later Oberyn arrived, squalling and kicking. I was a man grown when they were playing in these pools. Yet here I sit, and they are gone.”

Lord Beric Dondarrion - Are you my mother, Thoros? 

Upon getting resurrected 7 times by the priest Thoros of Myr after killed 7 times  and each time losing a part of his memory after coming alive..

“Can I dwell on what I scarce remember? I held a castle on the Marches once, and there was a woman I was pledged to marry, but I could not find that castle today, nor tell you the color of that woman's hair. Who knighted me, old friend? What were my favorite foods? It all fades. Sometimes I think I was born on the bloody grass in that grove of ash, with the taste of fire in my mouth and a hole in my chest. 
Are you my mother, Thoros?” 

Arya - Needle was Jon Snow's smile

"It's just a stupid sword," she said, aloud this time... ... but it wasn't. Needle was Robb and Bran and Rickon, her mother and her father, even Sansa. Needle was Winterfell's grey walls, and the laughter of its people. Needle was the summer snows, Old Nan's stories, the heart tree with its red leaves and scary face, the warm earthy smell of the glass gardens, the sound of the north wind rattling the shutters of her room. Needle was Jon Snow's smile. He used to mess my hair and call me "little sister," she remembered, and suddenly there were tears in her eyes.”

Robb and Bran - How can a 15 year old console his 8 year old brother who lost his legs, when the father is languishing in prison, mom missing, 2 sisters whereabouts unknown, 1 brother gone to the frontier never to return and the last brother a 3 year old who cries daily for mommy..

That night, after the plates had been cleared, Robb carried Bran up to bed himself. Grey Wind led the way, and Summer came close behind. His brother was strong for his age, and Bran was as light as a bundle of rags, but the stairs were steep and dark, and Robb was breathing hard by the time they reached the top. He put Bran into bed, covered him with blankets, and blew out the candle. For a time Robb sat beside him in the dark. Bran wanted to talk to him, but he did not know what to say. “We’ll find a horse for you, I promise,” Robb whispered at last. “Are they ever coming back?” Bran asked him. “Yes,” Robb said with such hope in his voice that Bran knew he was hearing his brother and not just Robb the Lord. “Mother will be home soon. Maybe we can ride out to meet her when she comes. Wouldn’t that surprise her, to see you ahorse?” Even in the dark room, Bran could feel his brother’s smile. “And afterward, we’ll ride north to see the Wall. We won’t even tell Jon we’re coming, we’ll just be there one day, you and me. It will be an adventure.” “An adventure,” Bran repeated wistfully. He heard his brother sob. The room was so dark he could not see the tears on Robb’s face, so he reached out and found his hand. Their fingers twined together.

Prince Doran Martell:
Until the mountain crushed my brother’s skull, no Dornishmen had died in this War of the Five Kings," the prince murmured softly, as Hotah pulled a blanket over him. “Tell me, Captain, is that my shame or my glory?

Theon Greyjoy - On Robb stark

And Robb. 

Robb who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy's loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.

Ser Jaime Lannister - on the way to relieve the siege of Riverrun

I’ve lost a hand, a father, a son, a sister, and a lover, and soon enough I will lose a brother. And yet they keep telling me House Lannister has won this war.

Maester Aemon (Targaryan) to Jon Snow - sharing their similar situation

What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms ... or the memory of a brothers smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy

Day 4: Favorite House Motto


In addition to the cool House motto, i also decided to match if the house conform to its  motto in action.

House Baratheon - Ours is the Fury
The Baratheon Brothers Robert, Stannis and Renly perfectly fit to the rage in their motto. The restrained adamant violence of Stannis is no less ferocious than the brutal war hammer wielding Robert's fury against Prince Rhaegar. As Maester says, Robert is the true steel while Stannis is like Iron- brittle but he  breaks before he bend! Damn thats a best compliment ever....

House Crakehall - None so fierce
We dont see any fierce Crakehalls in ASOIAF. The closest who fir the motto is Ser Lyle Crakehall who accompanies Ser Jaime to the siege of riverrun. On the way, in Castle Darry he promises to help poor Lancel's wife (if u can call that relationship!!) Amerei Frey in getting rid of outlaws from her land after ending the riverrun siege. Looks like he is  more interested in Gatehouse Amy and  what lurks for strongboar is left open..

House Hornwood - Righteous in Wrath
Man..I am waiting for their wrath..Ramsay is the Lord of Hornwood now..but, northerners dont forget how he drove Lady Donella to suicide.. The Hornwood line is officially extinct except for the bastard Larence Snow. We dont know much about him but i pray GRRM gives him enough chance to wreak his vengeance on Ramsay..

House Mormont - Here We Stand
One of the coolest line said in the TV series..Viserys with the dragon eggs blocked by Ser Jorah..What a stand-off!!

House Tarly - First in Battle
I love Randyll Tarly. I wish GRRM writes more about him in TWOW. He is a no-nonsense guy. Strong  contender for the next hand.. Wielder of the valyrian steel sword "Heartsbane". Yes, he is the  only guy to defeat Robert Baratheon in the battlefied..and pardoned  by him after the war..Also, poor Samwell's father..

House Targaryan: Fire and Blood
283 years of Violence,War and Vengeance..Dance of the dragons..3 Blackfyre rebellions..Just when we thought, they are done and finished, we have 3 Targaryans ready to be unleashed in TWOW..
Dany,  Aegon and Jon. I want more fire and more blood...

House Martell : Unbowed, Unbent and Unbroken

This house needs a separate Biiggggg post
A sample of why they are kickass..
Prince Doran Martell:
Until the mountain crushed my brother’s skull, no Dornishmen had died in this War of the Five Kings," the prince murmured softly, as Hotah pulled a blanket over him. “Tell me, Captain, is that my shame or my glory?

The Winner..Its a no brainer..

Honorable Mention:  Beneath the Gold,  the bitter steel  (The  Bastard Lord Aegor  Rivers of Golden Company)