Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Minor Character - Ser Garan Tyrell - A Valiant deed unsung is no less valiant...

Ser Garlan Tyrell is one of the minor character that i am very interested in to have more screen time in the next TWOW.

Below,i am giving some impressive snippets which sheds some light on his badassery.

When we get introduced to him in ASOS, i did not notice him much. The first time i took note of him was when he advised Sansa on how great Tyrion is - even better than his own bro Ser Loras . I was taken aback, for i have not seen anybody respecting the imp for his strong personality at their first meeting especially...See below.



The last time we hear, the Tyrells are getting ready to defend their capital Highgarden against an iron born invasion under Euron..100% he is gonna clash with Euron head-to-head and i dunno whom to side with..Damn GRRM...

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