Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day 2: Favorite Female Character

                           From the outset,i am stating very clearly that the fan favorites Daenerys Targaryen and Arya Stark never impressed me. Both were introduced to the readers as kids, first orphaned and then forced into very unfortunate circumstances but surviving against all odds and unimaginable trials and tribulations in a foreign land. Although their storyline is very interesting, since we can see the exotic cultures through their eyes, yet, GRRM gives too much supporting loyal protectors to them. From this it is very clear that they cant stand on their own until they come into full adulthood.

 Especially for Daenerys, there is the addition factor of mental instability which deteriorates as the tale proceeds.  There is every indication that she is going to become insane in the near future like her father and she is already very capricious.

GRRM is not very clear about where he is leading poor Arya's storyline, but to me, it is going nowhere. Perhaps, she will become an assassin, thirsting for the revenge of all members in her Hitlist  -which she recites every night before going to sleep.

Bottomline:  Both are out of contention from the outset.

The strong contenders (in no particular order):  Sansa Stark, Arianne Martell, Melissandre, Brienne of Tarth and Asha Greyjoy.

Let me start with Sansa. She was a silly girl in the first 2 volumes. But, her captivity under Cersei transformed her a lot from a compassionate timid girl into a  vengeance seeking cynical princess. Further under Littlefingers' tutelage she is developing her political scheming skills to be a main player in the game of thrones. I expect the day she making a coup de etat on her master which  will be a major turning point in TWOW.

Melissandre was introduced as an evil sorceress and i strongly believed it initially. Until, we reached her POV chapter.That chapter changed everything. It became very clear that she is grey, trying her best to believe her own lie that Stannis is the Azor Ahai.  She becomes more likeable when her interaction with Jon Snow was very sympathetic and especially i started actually liking her when she saves Ser Davos's son, from sending him as Stannis' squire in his unsuccessful Winterfell expedition. We know what happened to Stannis's squire in that wintery night,  I feel that she will end up as Nissa Nissa and Jon Snow as the TPTWP, with Longclaw tempered in her breasts. 100% she will die, sacrificing herself for the greater cause. Until then, she is a contender.

Asha Greyjoy is actually tomboyish, literally fearless and match up to any man. She is intelligent and has a very strategic vision for her fellowmen. She is not a war hawk but a pacifist who believe in "speak softly, but carry a big stick". Her promise of getting land in Seagard for Ironmen to settle peacefully in mainland Westeros, forfeiting Piracy and reaving speaks a lot about her, instead of the promise of plunder/slaughter by her father and uncles. One thing i didnt like in her is that she constantly harassed Theon Greyjoy, her brother, during his return to Iron Islands. She was a catalyst in the downfall of Theon, as he had to measure up against her in their father Baylon Greyjoy's eye and hence started the ill fated Winterfell raid with  enough men to capture it by surprise but too few men  enough to hold.  But, she stands up bravely against two heavyweights at the Kingsmoot for the leadership and both of them are considered the best in Planetos (forget Westeros) -  (1) Lord Euron Greyjoy - who reaved, raped and pillaged all the way to Asshai and back (2) Lord Captain Victarion Greyjoy - Fearless sea faring captain and General rolled into one. Currently, taking a suicide mission to capture/bind a mighty dragon, with a fleet traversing to the opposite end of the world. Yes, he also defeated Tywin Lannister's fleet right in Lannisport taking personal command.
Asha stood up against both at the Kingsmoot and earning respect from Aeron Damphair  and me for this.

Arianne Martell..You dont rebel against your father, who happens to be the Prince of Dorne. Yes, Dorne..The kingdom of fierce warriors which was Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken by the mighty Targaryans with their Dragon fleets. She is depicted as an exotic beauty who is not hesitant in using her sexuality to get what she wants ( Aerys Oakheart episode). She is very imaginative in her plotting - abducting Princess Myrcella to precipitate a crisis with the Lannisters to an eventual war for avenging Oberyn Martell's death. I cant wait to see her match the palace intrigues of Cersei in TWOW.

And Last comes Lady Brienne. She earns so much sympathy from the readers as well as all the good characters she meet. She is very naive, naive to the point of not realising King Renly is gay, yet pining for him. Physically, she matches any warrior and to my knowledge she bested worse beasts like Vargo Hoth, Biter, real bear and almost defeated Ser Jaime. She believes in chivalry and  her faithfulness to duty and honor makes her the perfect Knight and thereby winning my heart.
Ser Jaime trusts  her and gives her the ultimate compliment - his heart and his personal Valyrian Sword "Oathkeeper". Gwendoline Christy was perfectly cast for this role, "Brienne, the beauty". I can say so much about her which will be as a separate bigggggg post in the near future. 

My final verdict:   Lady (Ser?) Brienne by a long shot,  followed by Asha Greyjoy leading by a hair's breadth from Arianne Martell.

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