Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Atlast, I did it

After a span of almost 8 years,i am back to blogging.A lot of things has changed since then. Twitter has mostly replaced blogging with its short/sweet tweets. But, still the allure of blogging is great for me. The excitement of recording my views before the release of TWOW and comparing it after reading TWOW is the sole reason for this blog. As of today, i foresee a December 2016 release with my heart begging for  Aug 2016.  But, I am not much worried even if it is postponed to spring 2017 because there is so much wealth of info to digest from the 5 volumes  + AWOIAF. In spite of being a late comer to the party ( i started reading / finished only in 2013-14), everyday i learn new stuff in online forums and still the fascination with the lore is not exhausted. So, here i am..The Lone Wolf of Winterfell...Its not a surprise that I am big fan of the bastard of Winterfell aka Azar Ahoi aka The Prince that was promised..And for the next 30 days, i plan to post  a series of articles about my view on some interesting topics. By pure random luck, 1 minute  before creating this account, i bumped into this blog , and lo behold i got my topics..short and sweet.

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