Friday, July 29, 2016

What's your small council dream team?

Got this question from Redditt

 What's your small council dream team?

1) The King 
2) Hand of the King
3) The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
4) The Master of Laws
5) The Master of Coin
6) The Master of Ships
7) The Master of Whispers
8) The Grand Maester
9) The High Septon
10) Two Small Council Advisors of Your Choosing
11) King's Justice

My Choice in current ASOIAF timeline:

1) The King - Jon Stargaryan
2) Hand of the King  - Lord Tyrion Lannister 
3) The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard - Ser Barristan Selmy with Jaime as one of KG
4) The Master of Laws  - Lord Stannis Baratheon
5) The Master of Coin - Lord Tywin Lannister
6) The Master of Ships - Asha Greyjoy or Lord Captain Victarion Greyjoy
7) The Master of Whispers - Lord Varys
8) The Grand Maester - GM Marwyn
9) The High Septon - Septon Maribald
10) Two Small Council Advisors of Your Choosing -  Lady Arianne Martell represnting Prince Doran (and NOT Prince Oberyn Martell) / Ser Jon Connington
11) King's Justice - Lord Randyll Tarly

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