Friday, July 29, 2016

Why I like Jaime better than Ned Stark...


// A Lannister soldier stabs Ned through the leg, Ned takes a knee, and Jaime hovers over him. Then, Jaime punches his own soldier in the face, talks some shit, and leaves. 

This should sting for Ned (physically and emotionally) because when he was presented with the same opportunity at the Tower of Joy, he took the less honorable route and killed Arthur Dayne after he was stabbed from behind by Howland Reed.//

Well Said.   Where is the honor in killing Ser Arthur Dayne? (irrespective of  whatever hard the circumstance may have been at the time of ToJ)

What's your small council dream team?

Got this question from Redditt

 What's your small council dream team?

1) The King 
2) Hand of the King
3) The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
4) The Master of Laws
5) The Master of Coin
6) The Master of Ships
7) The Master of Whispers
8) The Grand Maester
9) The High Septon
10) Two Small Council Advisors of Your Choosing
11) King's Justice

My Choice in current ASOIAF timeline:

1) The King - Jon Stargaryan
2) Hand of the King  - Lord Tyrion Lannister 
3) The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard - Ser Barristan Selmy with Jaime as one of KG
4) The Master of Laws  - Lord Stannis Baratheon
5) The Master of Coin - Lord Tywin Lannister
6) The Master of Ships - Asha Greyjoy or Lord Captain Victarion Greyjoy
7) The Master of Whispers - Lord Varys
8) The Grand Maester - GM Marwyn
9) The High Septon - Septon Maribald
10) Two Small Council Advisors of Your Choosing -  Lady Arianne Martell represnting Prince Doran (and NOT Prince Oberyn Martell) / Ser Jon Connington
11) King's Justice - Lord Randyll Tarly

Is there any group of seven fighters that could defeat Aerys II's Kingsguard?

Got this Q through reditt

Is there any group of seven fighters that could defeat Aerys II's Kingsguard? In case you forget, here's who was in it.
1) Gerold Hightower, the White Bull (A good fighter, and strong)
2) Arthur Dayne, Sword of the Morning (Said to be one of the best fighters of all time)
3) Jonothor Darry (Don't know too much about him but he's talented)
4) Prince Lewyn Martell (Don't know too much about him, but he was skilled and got some good action at the Trident)
5) Barristan the Bold (one of the best swordsmen alive)
6) Oswell Whent (skilled enough to be at the ToJ)
7) Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer (One of the greatest fighters of his age, before hand cut)
Even members like Jonothor Darry that may be less skilled I think that fighters like Arthur Dayne, Barristan and Jaime are enough to carry the rest. So I challenge you to this; Seven fighters who are able to defeat Aerys' Kingsguard.

I like this answer particularly:

  1. Ser Aemon the Dragonknight, to match Ser Arthur Dayne: legends fighting with magic swords!
  2. Ser Criston Cole the Kingmaker, to match Ser Oswell "Westeros Batman" Whent. As I recall, Cole had beaten another who hailed from Harrenhal, hence this one.
  3. Ser Gwayne Corbray, to match Ser Barristan Selmy. A Valyrian Steel sword plus skill to fight evenly with the King Who Bore the Sword, against Barristan the Bold.
  4. Ser Duncan the Tall, to match Ser Gerold Hightower. It's the strength of the White Bull vs Dunk of Flea Bottom.
  5. Ser Loras Tyrell, to match Jaime Lannister. A mirror match!
  6. Ser Balon Swann, to match Prince Lewyn Martell. Marcher lord versus Dornishman.
  7. Ser Ryam Redwyne, to match Ser Jonothor Darry. One of the legends of the past, against a notable, but not exceptional knight.

#1 Agree
#2 No idea
#3 Good Match
#4 Perfect Match
#5 Match 100% that u cant even predict the result
#6 Nope. Ser Balon is only so so good
#7 Ser Redwyne is better

Coming to my selection:

1. Lord Jon Snow against Ser Arthur Dayne - Stargaryan with Valyrian steel Sword has an edge
2.The Hound Vs Ser Oswell Whent
3. Robert Baratheon (link) Vs Ser  Barristan Selmy --- Brute Force wins.. Bobby B unstoppable
4. The Mountain Vs  Ser Gerold Hightower
5. Ser Bronn of Blackwater Vs Jaime Lannister .Bronn plays dirty and wins.
6. Prince Oberyn Martell Vs Prince Lewyn Martell ..The Red Viper has the poisons in his favor.
7. Lady Brienne Vs Ser Jonothor Darry..Brienne's Persistence will pay-off.

 It may be 7 Vs 1 Arthur Dayne in the end.
The Current 7 will have a decisive win

Update: Damn, I would have added Victarion with his fuming hand but his strength is sea.
Garlan Tyrell can be susbstituted for Bronn, if it is chivalrous fight not no holds barred.