Saturday, April 9, 2016

Day 13: Favorite Quote

 I am not going to give the usual fan favorites like "wear it as honor" or "fcuk the king" or  "Kill the boy and let the man be born " or the perennial favorite:
Bran - "Can a man still be brave when he's afraid?"
Ned - "That's the only time a man can be brave."

Ok..let me start with  Qyburn and Ser Jaime:
"There will be pain"
"I'll scream"
"It will be great pain"
"I'll scream very loudly"

Sansa: You're awful.
The Hound: I'm honest. It's the world that's awful.

 Big Bucket Wull:
"I want to live forever in a land where summer lasts a thousand years. I want a castle in the clouds where I can look down over the world. I want to be six-and-twenty again. When I was six-and-twenty I could fight all day and fuck all night. What men want does not matter.

- If it is Sandor Clegane that we encounter, what would have me do?
Pray hard, Jaime thought, and run. "Send him to join his beloved brother and be glad the gods made seven hells. One would never be enough to hold both of the Cleganes".

"Admit it imp, given a choice between fucking Lollys and fighting the mountain, you'd have your breeches down and cock up before a man could blink" -Bronn

i can’t even remember what she looked like. i only know she was the one thing i ever wanted, and someone took her away from me, and seven kingdoms couldn’t fill the hole she left behind." - King Robert Baratheon

There are old sellswords and bold sellswords, but no old bold sellswords." -Brown Ben Plumm

What could he have done, one man against so many?"
He could have tried, Brienne thought.”

"I crossed a thousand leagues to come to you, and lost the best part of me along the way. Don't tell me to leave." Ser  Jaime to Cersei

"Every man whose tasted my cooking has told me what a good whore I am.". Shae

"I dare more than you dream."  Prince Doran Martell

"When the sun has set, no candle can replace it" --Ser Loras.

"Those are brave men," he told Ser Balon in admiration. "Let's go kill them." -- Tyrion Lannister

They believe rubbing a dwarf's head brings good fortune" "
Tell them it's even better luck to suck a dwarf's cock"  -  Tyrion Lannister


"A man agrees with god as a raindrop with the storm." -Damphair

 She would die as she had lived, with an ax in her hand and a laugh upon her lips. — Asha Greyjoy

The Lord of Light wants his enemies burnt. The Drowned God wants his enemies drowned. Why are all the gods such vicious cunts? Where is the god of tits and wine? - Tyrion Lannister 

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