Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Day 19: A character that you like but used to hate

Top contenders in no order

1. Theon
2. Melissandre
3. Jaime
4. Littlefinger
5. Dondarrion
6. Sansa

I HATED theon in the book so much. But, slowly his redemption arc mad eme like him and by the time he became the ghost of Winterfell all alone, i started likeing him.
I want Theon to live and wreck all the plans of Boltons and have a bloody revenge on Ramsay. It should be the most goriest revenge, even by ASOIAF standards.

Melissandre is a manipulative courtesan and i did not like her. But, the show revelation of her 400 year old life, made me feel so sorry for her.

Jaime  The Bath scene..Enough said..

LF  The most misunderstood character in ASOIAF world..If any one of us had undergone things that young LF went through, it  would have made us crazy.. But, poor LF took all the whooping and learnt to play the game, later master it and eventually get his revenge back on all the big players who wronged him..

Dondarrion In books, initially i did not even take notice if him, except as an annoying character. But, later  his chivalry made me take notice of him and i started getting warming up to him.

Sansa -- Sophie Turner in the show..what a turn around...

Verdict:   Theon...

Some of his memorable scenes why i love him..

thinking of his home

About Ned:




A redittor recently made the following post

//Here are a few that I think have a good chance of surviving:
Bran – will remain at the Weirwood tree at Winterfell (there must always be a Stark in Winterfell).
Davos – Liam Cunningham has stated that one of the showrunners whispered something to him at the beginning of the show, which of course, he will not divulge. My opinion, Davos was told that he would make it to the final show, maybe even last-man standing.
Sam -possibly the writer of Jon’s story “A Song of Ice and Fire,” and the book will be placed in the Citadel.
Brienne – becomes a Knight
A child – Jon & Dany’s (even though I’m really not a fan of this union, but it’s looking like the story is going in this direction).
It there is a child, it would be awesome if Davos (Hand of the King/Queen), Brienne (Knight), and Sam (Maester) are charged with the task to rear, educate, and protect an “orphaned child” born to the two main characters. Bittersweet ending.//

I believe all of the above for the book. 
In addition, i also believe Arya will die with a sword in hand through winter and her body discovered in the spring.
Bronn  will live to a ripe old age? Will he?
Victarion's death will be Spec-fucking-tacular...
Especially the Stargaryen Kid being tutored by Davos/Brienne/Sam theory I pray for.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Day 18: Most Naive character

Not including kids like Bran/Rickon/Tommen and definitely dimwits like Lolly or Patchface

#1 Hands on Winner  -    Samwell Tarly

#2 Lady Brienne
#3 Shae  - Yes, i feel that she is naive rather than a grey character.
#4 Jon Connington - He may be the last in my list.

Definitely NOT Victarion Greyjoy or Theon.

Day 17: Most Annoying character


1. Lady Taena Merryweather
2. The High Sparrow
3. Lancel Lannister
4. Shae
5. Darrion Naharis
6. Lysa Tully

Winner:  Daario, the douche

Day 16: Favorite Scene

I assume this is a visual scene and i am going with the TV series

The Contenders:

1.The intro scene of Lord Tywin. We get introduced to him in his battle encampment/tent, having a conversation with his son Jaime. The scene starts casually with Tywin sharpening a knife to skin a hunted stag - which is also an allegory to the Baratheon noble house (their house has a stag in the flag). We can see him casually removing the entrails while making a very serious conversation while Jaime is petulant. As he gets annoyed, he mouths the classic " Now, this is where you say something smart". The tone and the look he gives Jaime - Damn, he is the Lion of a Lannister. Immediately, i knew, this guy is going to be the greatest Villain in the series.

2.  Battle of Blackwater     The supremely confident Lord Stannis sets forth his fleet to Kings Landing and met by only a few ships. By the time, he realized the trap, the wildfire from the ships are set alight by Bronn and there it goes in green flames engulfing the whole fleet. Against all odds, they make a difficult landing in front of the Mud gate, only to be faced by Tyrion's army. King Joffery runs away a coward with the leadesrhip burden falling on Tryion's shoulder. He makes the "  Honorable men are knocking at our gates, lets go kill them" speech. Finally, the Lannister/Tyrell army decimates the remaining stannis force and ends the battle. The victorious Lord Tywin enters the King's Court seated, yes u read it right, seated on his War horse and breaks the news to Cersei.

3. The welcome party waiting for the arrival of  Prince Doran and its actual arrival. The intro of Prince Oberyn Martell, especially the walk towards an arrogant Lannister men touching a live flame , the subsequent skirmish, the arrival of Tyrion/Bronn and finally a private talk with Tyrion asking for Justice to his sister's death, ending with the classic line, " Tell your father, the Lannisters arent the only one who pays their debts".

4.  You are Just a baby and I am your champion scene Oberyn/Tyrion

5. Jon Snow/ Wight walker encounter. Jon decimating the Wight with his dragonglass.


6.  Battle of the Bastards - Jon facing alone with his sword drawn, an entire Bolton cavalry charge.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Why I like Jaime better than Ned Stark...


// A Lannister soldier stabs Ned through the leg, Ned takes a knee, and Jaime hovers over him. Then, Jaime punches his own soldier in the face, talks some shit, and leaves. 

This should sting for Ned (physically and emotionally) because when he was presented with the same opportunity at the Tower of Joy, he took the less honorable route and killed Arthur Dayne after he was stabbed from behind by Howland Reed.//

Well Said.   Where is the honor in killing Ser Arthur Dayne? (irrespective of  whatever hard the circumstance may have been at the time of ToJ)

What's your small council dream team?

Got this question from Redditt

 What's your small council dream team?

1) The King 
2) Hand of the King
3) The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
4) The Master of Laws
5) The Master of Coin
6) The Master of Ships
7) The Master of Whispers
8) The Grand Maester
9) The High Septon
10) Two Small Council Advisors of Your Choosing
11) King's Justice

My Choice in current ASOIAF timeline:

1) The King - Jon Stargaryan
2) Hand of the King  - Lord Tyrion Lannister 
3) The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard - Ser Barristan Selmy with Jaime as one of KG
4) The Master of Laws  - Lord Stannis Baratheon
5) The Master of Coin - Lord Tywin Lannister
6) The Master of Ships - Asha Greyjoy or Lord Captain Victarion Greyjoy
7) The Master of Whispers - Lord Varys
8) The Grand Maester - GM Marwyn
9) The High Septon - Septon Maribald
10) Two Small Council Advisors of Your Choosing -  Lady Arianne Martell represnting Prince Doran (and NOT Prince Oberyn Martell) / Ser Jon Connington
11) King's Justice - Lord Randyll Tarly