Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Day 18: Most Naive character

Not including kids like Bran/Rickon/Tommen and definitely dimwits like Lolly or Patchface

#1 Hands on Winner  -    Samwell Tarly

#2 Lady Brienne
#3 Shae  - Yes, i feel that she is naive rather than a grey character.
#4 Jon Connington - He may be the last in my list.

Definitely NOT Victarion Greyjoy or Theon.

Day 17: Most Annoying character


1. Lady Taena Merryweather
2. The High Sparrow
3. Lancel Lannister
4. Shae
5. Darrion Naharis
6. Lysa Tully

Winner:  Daario, the douche

Day 16: Favorite Scene

I assume this is a visual scene and i am going with the TV series

The Contenders:

1.The intro scene of Lord Tywin. We get introduced to him in his battle encampment/tent, having a conversation with his son Jaime. The scene starts casually with Tywin sharpening a knife to skin a hunted stag - which is also an allegory to the Baratheon noble house (their house has a stag in the flag). We can see him casually removing the entrails while making a very serious conversation while Jaime is petulant. As he gets annoyed, he mouths the classic " Now, this is where you say something smart". The tone and the look he gives Jaime - Damn, he is the Lion of a Lannister. Immediately, i knew, this guy is going to be the greatest Villain in the series.

2.  Battle of Blackwater     The supremely confident Lord Stannis sets forth his fleet to Kings Landing and met by only a few ships. By the time, he realized the trap, the wildfire from the ships are set alight by Bronn and there it goes in green flames engulfing the whole fleet. Against all odds, they make a difficult landing in front of the Mud gate, only to be faced by Tyrion's army. King Joffery runs away a coward with the leadesrhip burden falling on Tryion's shoulder. He makes the "  Honorable men are knocking at our gates, lets go kill them" speech. Finally, the Lannister/Tyrell army decimates the remaining stannis force and ends the battle. The victorious Lord Tywin enters the King's Court seated, yes u read it right, seated on his War horse and breaks the news to Cersei.

3. The welcome party waiting for the arrival of  Prince Doran and its actual arrival. The intro of Prince Oberyn Martell, especially the walk towards an arrogant Lannister men touching a live flame , the subsequent skirmish, the arrival of Tyrion/Bronn and finally a private talk with Tyrion asking for Justice to his sister's death, ending with the classic line, " Tell your father, the Lannisters arent the only one who pays their debts".

4.  You are Just a baby and I am your champion scene Oberyn/Tyrion

5. Jon Snow/ Wight walker encounter. Jon decimating the Wight with his dragonglass.


6.  Battle of the Bastards - Jon facing alone with his sword drawn, an entire Bolton cavalry charge.